Rasenye da lame gile tak update blog ni. banyak sungguh bende nak cerita tapi, first of all nak story pasal nuzzie baby shower.
Our beloved Nadzrah akan menimang cahaya mata pertamanye on January next year..so, Farah decided to throw her a baby shower.
DATE: 19 Nov 2011 (Saturday)
VANUE: The loaf Pavillion
2 days before the shower, farah and I went to Sunway pyramid for our lunch date and came out with idea to make a baby shower basket for nadzrah. we bought a very cute pink booties, cute pink shirts, baby lotions, and stuff toy(super cute cow) for the baby. Here's pics of the basket. Farah also bought some sugar cookies shape of stroller and botol susu (i think..xingat la..tapi baby theme la).
Here's some pictures from the day.(i took it from farah's picasa webalbum sbb i x bawak my camera that day)
As usual, mesti ade funny story everytime meetup dgn kawan2 kan?
This time, the joker is no other than our Ina Mustapha.LOL!
So, we're suppose to meet at The Loaf at 1.00pm and everyone seems to have no problem with that. On the day, only Farah responded to my call n text. So, i tried texting ina and calling her soooooo many time sampai dah xlarat nak call da lah! nobody pick-up. I assumed Ina must be on her way and tertinggal phone or tak dengar phone die bunyi dalam handbag or phone bunyi tapi cari-cari xjumpe (this is sooo ina!-i admit ina is a perfectionist tapi die mmg clumsy gile!haha-sorry ina).
Farah was there first and she already set the table and decorated it as well. Nadzrah arrived around 2.30pm. Ina??= No Show. i decided to call Din(her fiancee) tapi xde his number. Terpaksa text one of my friend first then baru call din. Din??=xtau ina kat mane and what happen to her. So, what happen to Ina?? Was her kidnapped by a muppet??haha. The answer's she totally forgot that we're supposed to meetup that day!!! OMG ina!! haha. then, she started panicking and calling everybody and terus rushing datang pavi from her house. Sampai2 die cakap
'Weh, aku langgar semua org sbb aku kelam-kabut' (plss imagine ina jalan laju2 n langgar semua org which is ramai gila kot hari sabtu kat depan pavillion tu)haha
Org lambat baru nak busy2 tulis card
I gave them pic of us at during my E-day
Such a beautiful x-mast deco @pavi. I miss celebrating x-mast in States!
So, that's it for this entry. Insyallah bile da masuk UNIFI kat rmh nnt, akan update blog dgn lebih kerap.Heee;)
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