Thursday, May 14, 2009

lilac fest

today = LAST GE LAB!!!
Tetapi kene fikir pasal 1 paper n 2 finals for Monday. huh!!
walaubagaimane pn, oleh kerane tak berape rajin nak buat paper, maka, menguploadkan gambar1 mase College of Science Picnic and Lilac Festival. NAAAHHHH!!

Duduk2 atas rumput..spring sket..

Ina muke emo sebab lapa

Bunga di tepi jalan yg comel

Muke happy dapat makan free

Emo gak sbb panas n lapa

tak indie la duduk atas rumput so, cari meja..hahah

Gile FIERCE boyfriend inaLibrary kesayangan

College of Science House of Nerd Indie


Kene park jauh sbb datang lambat..padan mke sorang2

Hanis semangat melihat frame

Painting chanteekk tapi anjing yg lukis..(u get what i mean??)

Hah!!duduk diam2!kang tersalah potong plak!

Design a

Ackie designing her own tea with my 'professional' help..ehem!ehem!

Waiting for her tea to be awkward je ayat ni

Bunge laweee!!

Terkedek2 naik bukit

Gile sweet gadis disebalik bunga

Gadis2 lain turut mencelah

Bunge Chanteekkkk!!

hee..best2 lilac fest..tetapi kitorang kene siram ngn hujan lebat gampang mase tgh jalan2 tgk bunga. sabar je la...nak pegi lagiii!!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

i adore you

mood: feeling mellow
curently listening to: I adore you

will be uploading tones of pic from lilac fes, and grad nite...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

week 9!!week9!!

currently listening to: Falling in love at a coffee shop by Landon Pigg

it's week 9!!ahahaha..happy dowh!!almost done with college!
in three weeks i'll be on my way to my bf arms!!heee..
btw, baru je submit lab report 2 for GE yang panjang gampang..45 pages!amik!amik!
got another 2 short reports, 2 papers for mass comm and 2 finals exams..go ajiem go!!

another happy news..
i just got my dream hp!!Early graduation/birthday present for myself!hehe


my LG KF900!!happyyyy!!happyy!!!heeee
sory sayang..saye tau awak sedikit jeles..tapi saye sangat happy takleh dibendung lagi=D

bukan beli sbb application yg best, tetapi kerana die PRADA and cantik..tu la perempuan shopping hp..huhu

soo excited!i'm gonna go play with my phone now...;)