Thursday, April 2, 2009

April post

Nampaknya saya hanye mengpost blog sebulan sekali sahaja..tahniah azimah!huhu
i'm being a lazy ass..too lazy too update blog..*looong sigh* updates...just finished GE exam yesterday..word for GE-->BUSUKKK!!exam panjang gampang tapi jawap 50 minutes the time Dr. Rothman cakap 'u have 20 minutes left' i have 4 empty pages that i need to fill with correct answers. da camne nak jawap betul2 bile tangan menggigil2 otak vibrate2 sebab takut tak sempat jawap???again....GE busuuuuuuukkkk!!!!!

*GE ialah singkatan for Genetic la konon..huhu*

ok...then, Naddy datang melawat kami di RIT last week!!yaaayyy to naddy!!heeee..tapi sempat je tinggalkan kitorang jap tuk jalan2 kat nyc..takpe2...the last night naddy was here we played Deal or No Deal board game. i won $10 000. wooooo..hampir2 nak dapat $1.nasib baik tangan bertuah pilih case ade $10 000! ina plak dpt 1 mill!kureengg! she had to choose between a case worth $5 and $1 mil. case number 17 and 23. i told her to choose 23 since it was my birthday and she got 1 mill!!!ina, sorry to say, but i'm the reason u won 1 mill..hahaha

ina with her case 23 and fake 1million dollar.

Mungkin juge sbb die men sambil pakai telekung, die dapat keberkatan tuk menang satu juta.Moral of the story:kalau masuk tv show yg leh menang 1 juta tu pakai la telekung mase main.mane tau leh dapat 1 juta..hoho

me and my $10 000!!kureng gile jari Loser tu!

Then, we went to IHOP since sme org kebulur tapi malas nak masak!haha.Zali was teased all the way to IHOP, in IHOP and also after balik from IHOP.sian2..takpe Zali, bukan selalu..sekali sekala je..ehem2..
*takleh nak bgtau ejek Zali ape diatas sebab2..explicit*

i was snapping a pic of myself and zali masuk and looked 'jambuer' than, terpakse gak tunjuk pic ni.

muncung sedih vs muncung tak sedih

orang amik pic die gi men tarik2 baju

Insan2 yg bace menu IHOP cam ade exam keesokkan harinye
*sebenarnye tgh cari menu paling murah*

The trio.Nasha, Kay yin and Zali

Pegi IHOP tgh2 malam makan breakfast.

Food Zali yg TERade Bacon

Btw, song of the night is montage song for Wonder Pet version Malay.i blame shukri for this.Melekatkan lagu bukan2 di kepala otak saye. Thanks la En. Shukrii!!Oleh sebab itu, nak gak letak lagu ni kat blog..haha

haha..Kami tak besar..kami tak kuat..bila berkerjasama semua jadi mudahhhhh..hehe

saye dan Shukri adopted kittens!!YAAAAYYYY!!
it's Shukri idea..thanks Shukri!*happpppppyyyyy *sambil wat muke gembire lompat2*

We named him Majin Buu..

Actually, name tu Ina yg bg sbb die ade M shape kat dahi superhero plak!grrrrr...comelness..tak tahan tgk!!
For those who tak tau..Majin Buu tu a character from dragon balls.*sebenarnye tau bile ina bgtau..i just remember Goku and Bezita from dragon ball for their hotness..weird ke rase cartoon hot??heee*
well, there're another 2..tak bg name lagi so me and Shukri called them oRen..*sile tekan sebutan huruf R bile org Sarawak sebut oren* and another one Goldie..hee


my kittens can soooo be wonder pets!haha...heeee
i love love love LOOOOOVEEEEE the kitty!!*happy sigh*
and Shukri too of course..*wink wink*

p/s: hopefully saye rajin update blog n tak update bulan depan..fuh!!jampi sket..huhu

p/s/s: it's ina b'day!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPOUSIE!!! I LOVEEEE UUUUU!!!!


  1. eh ada wish special laaaa
    muahahha, ok la boleh la name majin buu tu jadi hadiah aku, walaupn aku ni materialistik haha
    nway, majin buu sangat comel ok, mcm aku muahahhaah

  2. da** nape upload gamba aku tu. (sambil carik2 butang report as inappropriate) hahahah

  3. ina: haha..comel kan majin buu aku???cam tuan die jugak...eiii..comell..ngahaha

    en.double mcdouble: sape sruh kau lagi jambu dari aku??tak patut sungguh!!

  4. sape en.double mcdouble? boleh berkenalan ke?.. oppss sory kacau blog org.
    anyways ur blog is happening! =D
